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Hi, I'm Stefan​​​​​​​​​​​​​


I'm an executive function (EF) coach for service-driven

ADHD and 2e professionals whose EF challenges are hindering their achievement, fulfillment, and health.


My mission is to help you build the skills, systems, and 

mindsets to go from surviving to thriving.


What is Executive Function?

EF is the cluster of skills that allow present you to self-regulate and successfully plan and ACT on behalf of future you. It's your brain's mission-control team. 

I have a saying:

"Your FATE (Focus, Action, Time, Energy) determines your life experience." 

Having a strong EF gives you agency over your FATE and your life.


​Under-developed EF profoundly impacts the quality and quantity of your life.

EF is essential for successful relationships, work, health, growth....EVERYTHING​


The good news?

You can learn EF skills!​​​​


If you want a deeper dive into EF, check out these articles:
 Dr. Thomas Brown

Dr. Peg Dawson & Dr. Richard Guare
​Dr. Russell Barkley
Dr. George McCloskey

"Words really cannot describe how incredibly skillful you are as a mentor and coach. In the relatively short time we've known each other, I have truly evolved and learned so much in what would take others lifetimes to figure out. Your clients are so lucky to have you. You've helped me blossom through the muddiest of times in my personal and professional life. 'No mud, no lotus.' I simply would not be where I am today without your enduring grace, patience, gentle accountability, loving kindness, attentiveness, sensitivity, and readiness to support and encourage me to explore my potential through all the ups and downs."

- 31 year old entrepreneur

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